The Department of Treasury and Finance publishes forecasts for the Northern Territory’s (NT) key economic indicators as well as analysis on the outlook for the NT’s major industries in the annual NT Economy book. The forecasts for the NT’s key economic indicators are also updated annually in the Mid‑Year Report. For current forecasts, please refer to the Outlook page.
The NT Economy book provides an assessment of the NT economy. It includes analysis of recent activity and outlook for the key economic indicators, including economic growth, external economic environment, population, labour market, prices and wages, and the residential property market. It provides an outlook for the structure of the NT economy and main industries, including mining and manufacturing, construction, defence, tourism, retail and wholesale trade, government and community services, and agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
The NT Economy book is published annually around May as part of the NT’s Budget publications. To access the latest NT Economy book, please refer to the financial publications section on the Department of Treasury and Finance website. Past NT Economy books can also be accessed on the same website.
The Mid‑Year Report contains revised forecasts for the NT’s key economic indicators published in the NT Economy book based on material variations that have occurred since. The Mid-Year Report is published annually around November.
The Mid-Year Report provides an update on the current fiscal and economic outlook for the NT and includes updated forecasts for the NT’s key economic indicators, based on material variations that have occurred since the budget.
To access the latest Mid-Year-Report, please refer to the financial publications section linked above.